26 April 2010

International Actions Against Industrial Wind Power

North American Platform Against Windpower stands with the groups around the world protesting the harmful construction of giant wind turbines.

These are just a few of the protest events around the world as more and more people speak out against the harmful impacts and low benefits of large-scale wind power.

The organizations, businesses, and individuals of the North American Platform Against Windpower stand in solidarity with these protesters.

We are with you!

And we urge all who question the claims of the industrial wind industry, all who recognize the need for a "reality check", to join you or send notes of support (such as these from Québec, Sweden, Spain, the U.K., Germany, and France to the people of Ontario and these to the people of Germany).

You speak for all communities forced to defend their natural heritage and quality of life, their homes and health, against the political-industrial-financial juggernaut of big wind.

They have money and the power it buys, but we have the truth and will not be silent!

Together, fearlessly, we will stop this destructive boondoggle!

For more information about the events mentioned in this statement, follow the web links provided or contact:

North American Platform Against Windpower

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